Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 3

This was quite an interesting week just happening to be filled with Rootbeer, Hills, and most importantly (according to Cameron's mom) Dr. Scholls Odor Destroyers. On Sunday when we were still were at Monticello some press members of The Daily Progress (Charlottesville Newspaper) came and interviewed and took pictures of us. Hope they didn't get one of us going across the lawn ;). Then on monday we go up to one of the newspaper dispenser things and what do you know right there on the front page was us riding or bikes! I find it one of my best accomplishments considering we beat Lance Armstrong to the front. Then Cameron's parents came over to give us a visit. Cameron's mom took one whiff of our shoes, made a wierd face and said they're repulsive! So to make the stank go away she sprayed it with Dr. Scholls Odor Destroyers. Obiviously feelong generous they took us out to dinner. Twice! I'm no math wiz but if my calculations are right Teenagers+Food+Teenagers Don't Pay for Food=Lots of $$$$$$ We went to 2 places to eat, an Old Famous Tavern from 1784 and a place called Sweetbones. I wanted to see if they lived up to their reputation so I lifted the bone towards my mouth when camerons parents gave me a funky look. I guess i'll never find out.......... After they left we went to a A&W restraunt. They hold Isaac's favorite Rootbeer so we had to make the stop. I was suprised John payed for his meal consedering he had a Deluxe Bacon Cheeseburger, Fries, Rootbeer, and the must have Rootbeer Float. I guess if enjoyed it, it counts.......... After bulging our stomachs for 2 days we started onto Blue Ridge Parkway. It reminds me of back home and Dragons Spine because of all of the hills. Then we come to the cookie lady. So since the dinasours of 1976 went extinct this nice old lady has served a house to stay in and cookies to wake up to. She will always bring bikers in and she was delighted to take us in. She has a normal looking house on the inside but like they say "Don't judge a book by it's cover". When you stepped in that house it was like a hole different world. There were postcards and thank you letters all over the place. Guess she's been doing it for a long time. Shes had that collection for 26 years and counting. I think it's great that she's doing things like that for cyclists so we gave her our 2nd peace medal. After that we stopped at this place called "Gerties Country Store & Deli. They have a wierd thing where you can camp in there backyard. They were really nice and gave us a warm welcome with a smile all the way through our stay. Then (it's a tradition at there place) we signed the wall of signing so the world can see that some teengers can ride there bikes across america. Now i'm just sitting in my tent writing and cooling off from the dreadfull 100 degree weather. Even though it sounds terrible, it sure was worth it after seeing the sights. I guess you can say this amazing week was full of Hospitality and Corny jokes in a journal but I'm sure somethings coming up our gonna be much greater and much harder....................

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