Monday, April 6, 2009

The Crew

Dear John,

I'm sorry this came in this late, I messed up and didnt see it on the assignment page so here's the members of the crew and what they do. (heh a rhyme)

Austin: An Outdoorsmen who can sail ships and knows about plants.

Amanda: A cook who plays many musical instruments, works hard, and wants to discover some new fashion, art, and cooking recipies.

Brian: Knows a boat inside out, will eat anything (live cattapiller?) and cook anything. He also wants to find some new musical instruments and recipies.

Clay: Good with navagation and is a joker. Loves to make people laugh.

Quinn: Good at telling stories, cooking, and navagation, and wants to collect coins and shiny things.

Gabe: Will bring gentle art and fun, loves poems and hopes to collect some from the indians and natives we meet along the way.

Sammie: talent of talking, good with medicine and health related issues? hopes to learn about some medicine along the way from the natives.

Ryan: Can't get to link for some reason?

Alex: Likes to cook, dance, and be silly. She's really good with little kids and is always the first to ask are we there yet? on a trip.

Evy: good at the violin, acting, and story telling. She loves telling stories and learning about the animals and native american mythology.

Morgan: Wants to lead the group, and is a very good cook. Good at gymnastics and is good at communicating with others, and good with children.

Jake: good at directions, and great at swimming. Wants to collect survival knowlege from the native americans and hopes to learn the sign language that they use for trading.

Well thats it so I guess i should say something........... or not.

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